Insertion and deletion would still lock the whole list, which is fine anyway. 插入和删除操作仍然会锁住整个链表,这是合适的。
Deletion of a target list recursively deletes each target, from left to right. 一个目标表的递归删除操作会从左到右地删除其中的每个对象地。
Furthermore, a forward-secure member deletion scheme, using the Public-Key State List and the Trusted Timestamp, is proposed, thus the improper view that Certificate Revocation List ( CRL) approach is unsuitable for group signatures is corrected. 同时利用公钥状态列表和可信时戳提出一个前向安全的高效群成员废除方案,这个方案的提出纠正了不能用证书撤销列表废除群成员的观点。
This paper, by mastered insertion and deletion of node algorithm in double circle linked list, goes a step further to understand the insertion and deletion of station, achieving mastery through a comprehensive study of the subject so that abstract problem becomes easy and simple. 通过数据结构的双向循环链表的插入和删除算法,进一步理解令牌总线网的站点插入和删除,把学科间的内容相互衔接起来,使问题更加简单化。